About M-iWorld

What is the blog about? Well, it's all the topics of interest that the author wishes to share of course! Here you will find, thoughts and information on a range of topics such as current affairs, technology, space, science, law, music, and anything else that seeps from the cranial cavity onto these pages. 

The Author
I am Daniel Stride a 30-year-old male, I am a blog writer, Fiancé to Jo Guess and live in the Garden of England, aka Kent.  I have many interests, which range from watching films all genres.  Yes, thats even the animated ones!  I like to watch the skies at night, and everything NASA, SETI etc...  I also love technology, although not an expert, I do like to keep fairly up to date.  Yes so far I am the perfect geek.

My job is exciting, challenging, and fulfilling.  It has shown me what is in me and what is within reach of me.  My life, family, and friends are my endorphin, my pursuit of personal discovery is endless, I am quite simply living the dream.

By following my blog you will find out more about me, you can also follow me on twitter ( @danielstride ).  Feel free to contact me via twitter or the contact email form located by navigating the above links, I cant however always guarantee you a rapid response. Please note:  Your IP Address will be displayed in the recieved email to the M-iWorld email account.
